108 Sun salutations #yoga

Hey yall! Happy Sunday! This week I had a couple adventures. I did SAM Remix  Friday, and 108 Sun Salutations on Saturday! Make sure to peep each story, and leave comments! xo


Okay, I'm gonna tell my stories from a WHO?, WHAT?, WHEN?, WHERE?, HOW?, WHY? format.

I'll still be thorough with the details, but want to make sure I'm hitting all the main points. 

This is how I run "the tea" to my friends so we will do it the same way here! lol

Let's get into it... 

WHO: Owner of Sangha Seattle Yoga Studio Heather Falkin hosted a Yoga Mala.

WHAT: Surya Namaskar extravaganza with a Coldplay vs. Beyonce theme!  We did 108 sun salutations.


WHAT is Surya Namaskar girl?

Surya means the sun.
Namaskar is an Indian salutation. (Hello, Bonjour,  or Hola)
In India, they say Namaste or namaskar. We greet the sun and we’re greeting the solar energy of spring, the season of new life, new blooms, rebirth  and new beginnings

What is a sun salutation girl?
A sun salutation is a series of yoga poses performed in a continuous flowing sequence. The repetitive flow is intended to improve your strength, flexibility, and calm the mind. 

Why did you do 108?

The number 108 is present in astrology, astronomy, and all religions as a significant number that unites consciousness with the universe.


When you work/ pray or meditate a mala (mala beads, like the beautiful ones above) you have a mantra that you are reciting 108 times ( similar to when you pray the rosary as a Catholic.) 

-108 mala beads ( Hindu, Buddha
-108 beads on a rosary ( Christianity)
-In Islam, the number 108 is used to refer to God

WHEN: It was Saturday, March 31st  1p- 3 pm

WHERE: Sangha Yoga Studio in Queen Anne, Seattle (my second home lol)

HOW: So we did a sun salutation sequence that was broken up into multiples of 9.                                           3 rounds = each round is 36 sun salutations.

Before we began the practice, Heather explained the significance of 108 sun salutations and what it meant to do it during the spring equinox, and on the eve of Easter. She connected the Indian tradition to Christianity, Islam and to the nature that was blooming. She reminded us that we are all connected and that it wasn't a coincidence that the 9 of us were on our mats today. #maktub


She invited us to write a mantra on a blue heart sticky note, on what we wanted to work through in this practice. I wrote "Let Go to ELEVATE"

We began the practice with a warm-up for our shoulders and low back ( which are killing me softly today).

After the warmup, we began with the first Beyonce song to ease into it " If I Were a Boy". then in swapped to Coldplay.

I was in the flow, I was feeling strong. My mom was to my right and my friend Sarah was to my left.           The music was bumping and I was feeling empowered through the first 36. 

Round two.  After the first 3 sun salutations, I was like WTH did I sign up for.  My mind was telling me that my body wasn't ready to do ALL 108 sun salutations. (I was wrong). I felt like I should have been preparing for this weeks in advance, with at least 36 a day. ( Adding that into my home practice)

 I was feeling it in my hips ( that is where we hold most of our emotions) and I realized I had a blister on my right big toe. I was tired and in pain. But I had to finish. I refocused on my manta " Let go to elevate".              I continued to pray and ask God to continue to help me let go of what and who no longer served me so i can continue to elevate and do HIS work and live in HIS purpose for me.


Heather (the owner/instructor) encouraged us and reminded us we were POWERFUL and that we needed to work through the emotions and feel everything that our body was releasing. She reminded us to focus on our blue sticky heart and look at our intention.

Then Beyonce's Partition came on and ALL NINE of us got our second wind! The beat was invigorating and we all were twerking downward dog! Beyonce would have been proud! LOL

Round 3. I'm tired, but we are flowing and going! It's home stretch!

By the 80th one, I was losing momentum but I knew I was almost done. I looked around and saw my friends pushing through. We started yelling each other's name and encouraging each other. I was flowing carefully with my blister, and determined not to skip one! I stayed focused on my breath and my mantra.

"LET GO TO ELEVATE" You've got this Jasmine! You are strong! 

Emotions began to bubble up, and the tears began to flow. Good tears. Tears of rresilience and fortitude. 


I have been on my yoga journey for about 5 years now, so it was on my radar as a challenge/ goal. I wanted to work through the entire mala and experience the healing and cleansing. 



"It's amazing what you can do when you get out of your own way." I support my children in all things so of course I will do the 108 sun salutations for the story, with this beautiful soul that i birthed.

Going into I decided I would a few of them, step out and just be her cheerleader.  After the first two I was like, "What the F@ck?" F@ck this, but I kept doing it. After the first 36 I wanted to quit but I glanced down at my intentions note an saw I wrote down, "Get Out of Your Way." Before I know it, I was done with the second set of 36. I was doing it. I saw my other mantra which said, "Be Intentional." Tears started falling on the mat. Not because it was hard but, because I got out of my way.

I allowed myself to be uncomfortable and realized that I don't always have to be in control. Through it all I could hear my daughter saying, "You got it, Mom." At 108, I inhaled and thought, I came in doing it for the story and left feeling empowered." - Audi Brown (my mom)

Wrap Up:

IT WAS A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE! I felt so empowered and strong after the practice. I was in tears and so was everyone else. We jumped around, gave each other hugs and high fives. WE DID IT!

Step out of your comfort zone. try new things, challenge yourself. PUSH THROUGH! You are stronger than you think.  Don't give up on yourself. #doitforthestory

Thank you, Heather and Sangha, for giving us all that magic! I can't wait until next quarter to do it again. 

My body is in shambles today. I am moving in slow motion. #sore lol

Epson salt bath  and lots of water will be happening tonight! I 

