Happy Sunday yall! This week on April 18th will be my half birthday! Yay! * throws confetti*
Yes, I know, I'm extra AF, but so what lol.
I love birthdays! A former co-worker shared the half birthday concept with me last year and I am here for it this year honey! Any excuse for ice cream and pizza! LOL
This half birthday marks 6 months until I turn 30. I thought I would feel panicked by turning 30, but I am in a good ass place about it. The level up and glow up is real in 2018 and I am excited to see what chapter 30 will bring. I have been continuing to pray on my word ELEVATE and what that will look like going into 30.
Last week after yoga, I was having dinner with Heather (my yoga mentor/friend) and in conversation, I asked her what she would tell her 29-year-old self. Her response is below. Then that inspired me to fire off the text to my older inner circle. No shade yall! lol
I sent this text out randomly:
“Random question: What would you tell your 29-year-old self?”
Here are the responses I got:
“Drop the bullshit and manifest your deeper purpose and trust the universe along the way .” - Heather, 40
Heather, 40
"Care for yourself. You are the work. Hug them every day! Laugh. Don't go for the sale - be intentional and invest in what you REALLY WANT - because you're worth it." -Kalika, 34
Kalikia, 34
"Not to worry about life (career, Love, finances) because everything ALWAYS works out in perfect timing. To release toxic people no matter if they're relatives or longtime friends and to not incorporate anyone else's desire for my life... it's mine to live, not theirs" -Angel, 40
Angel, 40
"Everything you can imagine is real and God is the plug. Trust your gut, it is your direct connection to God. Everything you need on your journey is already inside of you. Unconditional love is the secret ingredient. Receive and give it, especially to yourself."
"Know who you are. Find your purpose and give it away. Value your time. If it doesn’t sit well with your spirit let it go. But most of all, Relax. Chill out because it’s all temporary .” Audi, 51
Audi, 51
"Breathe. It's ok to say no. You deserve what you wish for. " -Jen, 42
I would tell my 29 yr old self- "Don't be so desperate" - Desperate to fit-in, be accepted, be loved-- to matter. Because of it- I made poor choices and decisions without really thinking things through - and definitely not seeking God's guidance - Vivian, 57
Vivian, 57
"Save money, take care of you, be healthy. Take the trip."- Arlene 31
Arlene, 31
"Take your time in achieving your goals and do it with a purpose. Don’t let anyone’s timeline define you. Success has many shades- don’t depend or indulge in others recognition of your accomplishments. Be true to yourself and listen to your gut. Most importantly remember that everything is a season and seasons change - not every day will be great, not every day will be bad but each one will help you grow and be a piece of your own story." - Andrea, 34
"Don't sweat the small stuff. " - J.L. Brown, 54
J. L. Brown, 54
"I feel like 29-year-old Charell had just had 2 babies (back to back). I think 29 year old me was trying to figure it out... but I would def tell her to not put so much pressure on herself: career/family. I thought I needed to have it all and do it all. When I look back my fave memories involved the least planning!" -Charell, 32
Charell and family, 32
“That's a loaded question! Here's what I immediately thought of but I'm sure there's more: 1) Love yourself first so that you can love others effectively. 2) Take chances and follow your gut. 3) Appreciate the moment, you can't get it back. 4) Know and understand your worth AND contribution to the world. 5) Be you-you are wonderfully made! 6) There are no limits but the ones you place on yourself. 7) You will be a strong, powerful force - have mercy and grace. 8)Seek counseling for your depression early - it will change your life. 9) Open your heart to finding love and being loved after your divorce. 10)The world doesn't care about you or owe you anything so suck it up AND KEEP PUSHING FORWARD!” - Keshia, 37
Keshia, 37
"On dudes/love: Whoever you think could be "the one" isn't. Stop wasting emotions on them. Forget the timeline. YOU will give yourself more love, more happiness, and more support than anyone else will.
On career: You are about to start back at the bottom, don't dwell on that title. You're gonna think it was the wrong move. It's not. You just need a lesson in humility and gratitude before you fly.
On my personal self: Stop calling yourself fat. One day you will regret it.
On dreams/goals: Stop procrastinating. It gets harder to dream when you get older and responsibility clouds creativity." - Elaine, 37
Elaine, 37
"God is your best friend. Constantly confide in Him" - Erica, 31
Erica, 31
"To my 29-year-old self,
All the sacrifices you’ve made will be worth it. Just know that sometimes you will be forced to take a step back and everything will be stripped away from you - friends, loved ones, material things, and your joy - but be reminded that you will hustle your way back to that crown that already has your name on it. When you lose it’s not because you’re not worthy to have what was once ours, it’s because you need to replace what no longer serves you with everything God has for your next chapter.
Allow yourself to be free from society’s constraints and blossom into the woman God wants you to be. You have the words to change a nation and you will soon realize what that power truly looks like. Your influence will impact so many people by just being you. It will be difficult, people will criticize and most of the times you’ll feel like you’re the only one that understands you or that sees the world through your eyes - keep pressing.
Lyndenise 33
And love? Well, there’s no greater love than God’s love. He’ll continue to work on you and the partner he’s created for your life. Focus on him and he’ll make sure the right people are in your life at the perfect time. Walk outside more, drink a little more champagne and indulge in all life’s little pleasures. You’ll soon realize the importance of each move that you make.
If God speaks to you, you can’t stop thinking about it, and it moves you in the middle of the night... DO IT WITHOUT HESITATION. That’s how dreams come true. Love yourself and love others, everything else will fall into place in God’s time!" - Lyndenise, 33
"As you are right now in this moment is enough. You are enough." - Kim, 57
Kim, 57
"Stay Positive. Believe in yourself and never give up. NEVER let someone get into your head!!" - Julia, 78
Julia, 78
These quotes resonated with how I am feeling at 29. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself for things to be done based on the timelines we have made up in our mind. God is strategic. His timing is perfect. When i realized that it started clicking. I’m finally starting to get it. Let go of the BS and trust God. Follow your bliss and be yourself.
Figure out who you are and what makes you whole and happy. Your power is inside of YOU.
I am starting to understand who I am, what I want and who I want/need around me to be the best version of myself. I set the tone. I am the coauthor of my story with God. #maktub.
Here is what I am currently telling my 29-year-old self:
1. Trust God. Trust your intuition.
2. I am grown.
3. Maktub.
4. Nurture those who nurture.
5. Be your authentic self.
6. Live and love with an open heart and an open mind.
7. Gods timing is perfect. He will never give you anything premeditated.
8. Let go to ELEVATE!
9. Don't force what should flow.
10. Cut the bullshit.
I feel like these quotes and mantras can apply at age 19, 29, 39 or 79 etc.
We are constantly evolving. Grow into yourself. Sometimes that shit is rough and some times its bomb. Seasons change. Trust the process.
Like fine wine we get better with time. ayeeeee!
Trust the process, keep living, keep loving and do YOU for YOU!
30 I'm ready for you! See you in 6 months 30! #OVO
When's your half birthday? You better celebrate yourself! lol
Tell me what you'd tell your 29 year old self in the comments! I'd LOVE to read it!
See yall next week!
Jasmine Rashae