let's GO 2019!

Day 1 of 365.

Here is a blog that you can enjoy while you eat breakfast or your cabbage and black eye peas lol…. #southerntraditions

So much happened in 2018! (Go back and read if you are new here lol)

It has been a hell of a rollercoaster for me.

I launched the blog, lots of travel, tech, nonprofits, bitcon/blockchain, yoga teacher training began, ups, downs, laughter, tears, friends, family and amazing adventures!

I am truly grateful for all that has happened. I have grown tremendously in my faith and as a woman.

In 2017, I claimed that 2018 would be my year. Not on some new year, new me shit, but on the sense that number 18 was/always has been a significant number for me.

I was born on 10.18.88 and I’d turn 30 on 10.18.18.

Synchronicity. All those damn 8’s wasn’t a coincidence. I don’t believe in them. God had a plan for me. A plan to stir up my world and place me in my purpose. #maktub

So I started researching and studying the numbers lol…Let me, nerd, out/ be hippie- dippy spiritual for a second:

The number eight in the Bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning.

Eight is 7 plus 1 and since it comes just after seven, which itself signifies an end to something, so eight is also associated with the beginning of a new era.

The meaning of number 8 resonates with the power and vibrations of self-confidence, inner strength, and personal power. It is associated with authority, success, professionalism, and wealth.

Whew. That’s exactly what happened on my journey to 30.

Chapters were closed and new stories began.


To me, Thirty was the big one. I needed to step my game up this year.

I was invited into the tradition of choosing a word at the start of every new year by my friend and classmate Victoria. The word is paired with a mantra/and or scripture and i pray over it and ask God/The Universe to move me through this word. God has taken me on some interesting journeys through these words. In the past i have chosen things like focus, flourish and sacrifice. (Sacrifice was a TOUGH year)

In 2018, i chose ELEVATE.

I needed to elevate in every area of my life.

Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually and Financially.


I wanted to be the best version of Jasmine possible. I wanted to push myself, and trust myself to manifest and follow my dreams.

I grabbed my pen and paper and wrote it all out in December 2017. I wrote out my fears, wants, needs, dreams, and visions. I wrote out the things/ people i needed to let go and what/ who i wanted to attract in my life.

I was specific AF.

I manifested it ALL.

I trusted God.

I trusted my gut.

I revisited my plans often. I prayed through each item to make sure it was in line with my purpose and God’s plan. Sometimes the plans shifted. I adjusted.


The elevation was real.

It was uncomfortable. It was hard. It was rewarding. It was amazing.

Everything that i had set out to manifest, happened.

Everything i needed to let go, was released.

I share that to tell you that, your words are powerful. Your prayers are powerful.

Stay in touch with The Source. God is the plug.


2018 is over and I have spent a lot of time in December thinking about what 2019 will look like.

Just like a business, I needed to a yearly/ quarterly plan for myself.

Once again, I took inventory of myself.

Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually and Financially.

I spent a day 2019 planning and reviewing my wins and L’s of the year.

This time I asked myself:

What does 2019 look like?

What will 3 years from now look like?

What does 5 years from now look like?

What does 10 years from now look like?

What money and/ resources are we manifesting?

How will you use your gifts to serve?

How will you give God the glory?


I wrote it ALL out on paper. I sat with it. I prayed on each item, and revised when The Spirit lead to me to.

Once again, I was very specific, because in my previous year i realized the power of manifesting and being in alignment with God’s plan.

The choices i make today will affect the next 10 years of my life.

God is the author, I am the co-author of my life. I choose its contents.


I truly believe I can manifest the life i want to live. I have done it multiple times.

You can too! I have been encouraging ALL my folks to write it OUT.



I got very BOLD this year in my manifesting and intention setting for 2019.

This year i chose the word GO.

I have ELEVATED and set a lot of plans in motion for myself and now it’s time to GO girl.


GO give the world your gifts. GO travel. GO eat. GO pray. GO love. GO learn. GO volunteer.

GO achieve your goals. GO give the yoga to the folks/ the kids. GO follow your dreams.

GO on adventures.

GO #doitforthestory


What’s your word for 2019?

What intentions are you setting for yourself for this year? For the next 3-10 years? What are you manifesting for your family and friends?

2019 i have BIG, BOLD plans for you.

I am excited to begin this journey.

I trust the God. I am ready.

let’s GO!


Happy New Year! Manifest the goodness today, this month, this year and EVERY DAY!

“Watch your thoughts; for they become words. Watch your words; for they become actions. Watch your actions; for they become habits. Watch your habits; for they become character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny. “ -FRANK OUTLAW

Thanks for reading! See ya soon!


Jasmine Rashae